Baby Boy
2:04 p.m. x 2005-04-20

See what Michael got for his birthday?

He is supposed to be a full blooded chocolate lab but I don't know if he is for sure. He is also supposed to be about 8 weeks old. That I don't know for sure either. He is so scrawny! I can see his ribs. As soon as I got him home he ate like a pig and I thought he was going to eat the bowl also.

I gave him a bath and he just stood there looking at me.

I got him from the pound. Him and his parents and 7 other brothers and sisters were dropped off there three days ago. I got there just in time because the Lab Rescue people showed up right after me.

He's a sweetie and he won't let me out of his sight. Michael called to ask me how the puppy was doing and I told him I can't walk a step without him right behind me. So I started walking in circles and so did the puppy. It was funny. I know, I'm easily amused.

I took some puppy treats with me in case he wouldn't sit still in the truck on the way home. I put the puppy treats on the kitchen counter when I got home. He's been trying to stick his nose in my purse. Smart puppy! That's where I had the box of treats on the way home. HeeHee! Maybe my purse now smells like puppy treats. But I like to think he is just smart. :)

As of right now puppy doesn't have a name. I'm waiting on Michael to get home from work, Friday evening, to give him a name. I hate it that he has to go so long without a name. But he's gone 8 weeks or so without a name.

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