i've actually done something today!
8:10 p.m. x 2004-06-10

My kids are human food disposals. They've totally cleaned out the fridge today. I've done a sink full of dishes twice already today and have another sink full sitting there waiting for me to wash. I don't know if it's just from boredom or they are possibly going through a growing spurt. Thank goodness Michael will be home Saturday morning so we can go grocery shopping! We are almost out of food. They've even been eating veggies like crazy!

It's rained just a bit on and off today. Luckily we haven't had any nasty storms yet.

Our poor pool looks horrid. I put chemicals in it yesterday evening to hopefully clear it up. I just cannot seem to get the chemical balance right. We are definitely going to have to invest in one of those hose suction cleaner thingies. I refuse to let the kiddies in the pool looking the way it does. It's not really too bad just cloudy.

I've actually gotten a lot done today. I cleaned most of the garage out. The last couple weeks that I was moving stuff from the apartment to here I just started throwing boxes and bags in the garage. Our bunny (Sami) decided to start chewing on the bags so I had to go through them and put stuff away. I got the boy's huge dresser in their room and got it looking like brand new again. I've swept and mopped floors & done laundry. I helped the boys clean their closet. Now I need to help Carey clean her closet. You'd think that since we've only been here a month they wouldn't have trashed their closets already.

Carey is wanting me to watch a movie with her so I've gotta jet.

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