it's been a while
7:34 p.m. x 2004-10-27

Things around here have been rather hectic. Well, mainly at work. One of the teacher's aides moved at the last minute so we are without a teacher's aide and the lead teacher is seldom in the classroom which leaves all the children to me.. by myself. Luckily I've got nerves of steal. Yea right! Who am I kidding?! My nerves have been wrecked!

Trick-or-Treat night is Saturday night here and I don't know who is more excited.. my children or Michael. This year is going to be a blast with Michael in tow. I usually take the kiddies alone and am a wreck trying to keep up with all three amongst all the other children running around wearing pretty much the same costumes.

Hmm.. I am at a loss for words. I'm not sure what else to say. Not much is going on so I guess I'll end this now.

then x now

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x old
x profile
x book
x notes
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x diva
x host