Just Me...
2:19 p.m. x 2004-06-25

Snoopy Snoopy you, wanting to know more about me, what gives? Got some spare time? Well let me fill you in a little bit on me myself and mine....

The Basics: Hi! I'm Mely (Short for Melanie. I was named after Melanie on Gone With the Wind. I am 29 years old.

I had a son age age 17 (Cory). He was born one month early. His father was a dead-beat and fled the picture quickly after my son was born. He moved to California, then to Mexico, then back to California, then to Ohio where he lives about 4 hours away and only comes to see Cory once or twice a year. I know my son needs to know his father yet when he does come around Cory seems to take it out on me when he leaves. Cory does spend a lot of time with his grandmother (his father's mom). She pays child support and gets him every weekend if Cory chooses go visit. I leave it up to him. Cory loves to play games. He has a Playstation, a Playstation2, GameBoy Advance, XBox and tons of games. He is a brilliant boy but doesn't like to apply himself to his school work. He absolutely hates school.

At age 19 I had a daughter (Carey). She was born 3 weeks early. Her father was such a wonderful father. He took Cory in as his own and treated him as if he was his father. Carey is a cheerleader. She just recently got glasses. At first she was so excited to get them and now I have to remind her to wear them. She is a brilliant little girl. She doesn't have to work hard to get straight A's. She must have gotten that from her father. :) She tends to try and act much older than her age and recently I have been having some problems with her wanting to sneak out of her bedroom window or she will threaten to run away because I won't let her just take off and walk to her friend's house when she wants. She's only 8! I can't imagine what the teenage years are going to be like!

I married Carey's father when she was 4 months old. Things went down hill from there. He became abusive. I got pregnant after we married and miscarried the baby because my husband kicked me from my shoulder to my waist.

At age 21 I had another son (Trevor). Trevor had a lot of problems as a baby. He had seizures starting at 2 months old and that is when we realized he had asthma also. He was a bit developmentally delayed and we later found out that he also has a very mild form of Tourettes. Trevor hasn't had a seizure in two years! He hasn't had to have a breathing treatment for one year and is all caught up developmentally now. He's doing wonderful in school and he also enjoys playing games with Cory.

I put up with the abuse for 2 years too long and then divorced my husband.

Soon after my divorce I met a man named Jimmy. He and I were together for 2 years. He was a wonderful guy yet he became an alcoholic. I stayed with him in hopes to help him get over this. We had an awesome relationship (although he was very jealous of my x-hubby) when he wasn't drinking. One evening he showed up at my house with his car packed up and said he was leaving for Arizona. He had a gun and was planning on shooting me and said that he couldn't stand the thought of my children being without a mommy so he was going to shoot them also. I walked to a neighbor's to call his mother (we didn't have a phone at the time) and he told me if I took another step he would shoot himself. Well, just as I turned around he did shoot himself in the head. He died immediately. My daughter (who was 3 at the time) and my youngest son (who was a little of a year) and I saw this happen. We had lots of counselling and eventually got through this together. Every now and then Carey will mention Jimmy but not often.

I had a couple relationships a year after Jimmy shot himself but they didn't last because the men were either too obsessive or just plain too weird for my liking.

I met Michael almost 3 years ago. He and I hit it off the day we met. A friend of mine set us up on a blind date. I was thrilled to find out that he doesn't drink and he doesn't do drugs. He's just a boring person like me. :) We have a lot of fun together. He's wonderful with my children.

Michael and I were together for 2 years when I met Robert. I was working at a truck stop as a waitress when Robert came walking in and our eyes met. I thought it was fate. I had such weird feelings. Like butterflies in my tummy and when he spoke to me he took my breath away. I ended up leaving Michael and seeing Robert. What a mistake! He ended up majorly obsessive compulsive. He yelled at me constantly and yelled at my children. When he hit Trevor with a wooden rod is when I finally smartened up and told him that was it!

A week after Robert and I were apart Michael messaged me on Yahoo. We started talking again. Went out to the movies a week later and then decided to find a house a week after that. It was a major mistake to even think about another man. Michael makes me feel complete. He makes me so happy and he spoils me and my children to no end. :)

I love him dearly.

Ok, I've really gone on and on too much, eh?

Wanna know more?

SAHM I AM: I worked for about 9 months after Jimmy died. I worked at a computer store. I practically ran the store on my own while my boss was off cheating on his wife. I couldn't take all the turmoil so I decided I could no longer work for this man. I became a stay at home mom again and volunteered at Trevor's preschool for a couple of years. I started working at a truck stop for a friend of mine, waitressing, but couldn't handle the rude comments from the men plus I couldn't handle my boss touching me so I quit. I then started working at a preschool. I was a Teacher's Aid/Daycare Aid. I loved that job! I miss the children. I quit working there to stay home with my children over the Summer and am working on a home business. I enjoy being home with my children yet there are times I just want to pull my hair out because they seem to fight way too much. :) I do plan on going back to college in the Fall.

Collections: I collect bears. Mainly Boyd's Bears.

Crafty Momma: I enjoy making candles. I was once selling candles on ebay and even made a site to sell my candles. I would like to get back into making candles but will probably wait until my children are back in school.

Pets: We have two bunnies. One bunny (Sami) is a Netherland Dwarf Rabbit. She is rather mad at us right now and likes to nip at our feet. We have another bunny (Honey) that is Cory's 4-H rabbit. Sami is rather ticked off because Honey has invaded her space. We also have a Dwarf Hamster named Lil Blackie. He's too cute!

Life is Good! I've been through a lot but I just look back and think everything happens for a reason. Most of the time I have a very positive outlook on life. It's not just a diary thing, really. Life's too short to be miserable, and I'm even realizing it's pointless most of the time to stress and fret because in the end, it'll always work out. Now, I don't mean to let things be, because I know it takes a lot of hard work to get to your goals, I just don't see the point in stressing out about it in the mean time. So that's all folks... long-winded I know... so if you want to know something else about me or have a burning question to ask, feel free to email me or leave a message in my notes. I think I basically covered my boring life and some about me. :)

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