Just getting thoughts out of my head..
9:54 p.m. x 2004-06-24

How aggravating! My grandmother called to tell me that my x boyfriend, Robert, called today and told her he was in town to get the rest of his stuff from his storage building and to pick up his car. I don't want to know this stuff. I really am perfectly content in my life with Michael. But then to be told that my once true love is back in town... Pooey! I'll not meet him anywhere! I'll not talk to him! I am perfectly content with Michael and do not need Robert in my life. He put us through Hell. He threw a fit if I didn't fold his laundry the right way. He threw a fit because I got lost on my way to his job for the first time. I mean, not just ordinary fits. Fits that I thought I might lose my life over. I don't need that crap in my life. Things are so much more peaceful now that Michael and I are back together. I'm happier. He doesn't care how I fold his clothes. He loves me for me and isn't trying to make me something that I'm not. Just needed to get these thoughts out.

MaryAnn still hasn't came to get Dalton. Although I love the child dearly and missed him like crazy I am ready to be able to just lay down in bed and watch a good movie and relax.

I've got laundry to fold and dishes to do.. yet I'm sitting here on the computer. :) I need to change the baby's diaper, give him a bottle and hope he lays down for a bit so I can get some stuff done before I go to bed. Which I am hoping is soon because I am extremely tired. If only MaryAnn would get here! She keeps calling and saying she is on her way. Yet... hours later she calls again and says she is on her way.. again! Sheesh! I know she is just waiting for me to tell her to just leave him here another night. I would love to keep him but the kids are wanting to go to the park and also go swimming tomorrow. With Dalton's breathing problems I cannot take him out in the heat.

Well, I must go..


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