Thursday Threesome
1:31 p.m. x 2004-06-25

I forgot yesterdays Thursday Threesome.

Onesome: Characterized by impulse--Do you consider yourself impulsive or do you tend to think everything through before you make a move? I'm guilty of being impulsive.

Twosome: lacking rational basis--If you are impulsive, do you rationalize and justify your actions? Like, since that item you bought on a whim was on sale, you really saved money by buying it? Usually anything I buy is for the kids so later I think, "Why did I spend so much for that item?" But the if the kids are happy then I'm happy and don't think much more about it.

Threesome: or likely to change suddenly-- When you make up your mind, does it stay made up or do you tend to change your mind at the last minute? ...or do you waffle back and forth until you're forced to decide? Like I said, I usually buy things for the kids and rarely for myself so when I go to buy myself something as I'm walking through the store I'm going on and on in my head, "Do I really need this?" or "Should I get this?" Then end up putting it back. I'm weird! I always feel guilty buying for myself.

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