It's THURSDAY! Woot! Almost TGIF!
10:17 a.m. x 2005-07-14

My best friend is pregnant!! I'm SO extremely excited for her!

I've been a cleaning fool the last couple of days. It's raining and Michael usually comes home from working out of town when it rains. He's an operating engineer. He sets those huge over head signs on the highways with a big crane. Well, they are trying to work in between it raining. Darn! I was ready for him to come home. :) But of course, we need the money since we bought this house so I guess it's a good idea for him to try and work between rain showers.

I'm waiting for a big thunderstorm! It's just been sprinkling for two days. How boring is that?!

Big Brother 6 is on tonight. I can't wait! Several people that have the live feeds and can watch the houseguests 24/7 say that they are so boring this year. If they aren't arguing they are talking about sex. Heh!

Oh boy! Carey just informed me there was a huge black bug in the livingroom. Now she can't find it to squish it. I'm not the bug/spider squisher around here. I freak out too much. :)

Well, I'm going to go take a shower and get the dishes done.

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