nothing much .. just embarassing moments
6:27 p.m. x 2004-07-13

I have been seriously neglecting my diary lately. I've just been so busy with the kids. We've been spending a lot of time in the pool. It's so hot and humid but I'm not complaining. I'd rather it be hot and humid then cold.

Michael and I ended up just staying home last weekend. I think we are going to cancel out on going to the sprint car races next weekend and just spend the weekend camping together. We already made plans for the kiddies to visit with their dad & g'ma. So we are going to spend some relaxing time together and hopefully get some fishing in.

I'm still waiting no my cable modem. I've been waiting a week. I should have just drove the 20 minutes to the cable company and picked up the cable modem myself rather than have to wait a week (or possibly more) since I called. I called last Tuesday. Hmph! Should have gotten here by now! I'm getting all antsy and tired of waiting.

My youngest son (Trevor) loves to embarrass me. I don't remember if I wrote about him telling the guy at the drive-thru at the bank that he could see his balls or not. Well, that totally embarrassed me to no end. Then last week when we were shopping and at the check out he burped really loud, in the VERY quiet store, and said loudly, "Wow! Must've been that good food." I about fell over dead with embarrassment! The lady at the check out pretended not to hear him.

Oh, I just remembered I need to take the tent down that is in the back yard and put it away in case it rains. Michael mentioned possible rain tomorrow. So I better get that done while I'm remembering.

then x now

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x diva
x host