7:24 p.m. x 2005-07-28

I took the puppy (Maddox) to the vet today. He is 12 lbs 9.5 oz and is actually about 10 weeks old. He is a black lab - mix. The vet said he has so much lab in him though that she can't tell what else he is. He has a umbilical hernia and the vet said to push it in several times daily. If it's not better when I take him back for his 2nd set of shots in 3 weeks he will have to have surgery. Maddox is a bit small for his age because he is malnutritioned. Poor puppy! I hate it that whoever had him before did not give him the love and care that he needs.

I almost beat the crap out of my neighbor. We were sitting at the dinner table eating and saw the neighbor's German Shephard on our back porch messing with the kid's rabbits. I beat on the back door and it took off running into the woods. Later on Carey took Vince out to potty and saw the dog. Well, poor Vince was in the midst of taking a poo when Carey pulled him into the house. I took Vince out to finish and the neighbor's dog came running out of the woods growling and showing his teeth. Vince stopped mid-poo and tried to go after him, pulling me along behind. I started going towards the porch with Vince to get him in the house and noticed Carey was standing on the front porch. The neighbor's dog got in between me and the porch (and Carey). I was kicking at him and screaming at him and he continued to growl showing his teeth. I got around him while kicking at him and tried to shove Vince into the house just as Carey slammed the door on poor Vince's head (luckily he is ok). As I was trying to kick at the dog and get him off my porch Carey opened the door to ask if she could take Vince to the garage to potty. I screamed to shut the door. Well, when she slammed the door the dog took off running. He went to my back porch and started aggravating the rabbits, again. By this point I was seriously fuming and started to walk to the neighbor's house and noticed she was sitting in MY yard under MY tree watching the whole thing and laughing like a total moron. While I'm sure *I* looked like a total moron kicking and screaming at this stupid dog..I cannot believe she just sat there and watched while her stupid *INSERT BAD WORD HERE* dog gave us such a hard time. I told her to get her dog NOW or else..as she sat there laughing. If my kids hadn't been watching I would have knocked the laugh right out of her. Argh! It makes me SO mad just thinking about this!

This morning when I took the trash up the road for trash pick up day the stupid *%($()*# neighbor had dumped MORE trash by the road. Now, imagine 2 months worth of trash for a family of 6. It was a LOT! So I called the Sheriff's Dept. since the Health Dept. isn't concerned and he said he'd call the Health Dept. and see what could be done. He called me back this afternoon and said he would be here on Monday to check it out and have a talk with the lady. Wouldn't you know it.. some of the trash is gone today! Ha! So I've got to remember to call the Sheriff's Dept. back in the morning and let him know, although there is still a significant amount of trash out there I don't want him to think I was making a big deal out of nothing. I wouldn't give a crap about the amount of trash they have out there if it weren't for "creatures" coming out of the trash when I take my trash out.

Ugh! I cannot stand my neighbors!!

Cory's dad came to vist him for his birthday. He lives in Virginia. Cory sees him like once or twice a year, usually. Well, while talking to him on the phone about Cory and what all he got for his birthday he proceeded to tell me that he wanted the "order" lifted that stated Cory was not allowed to be taken out of the state of Ohio by anyone. No way! He went on to tell me that he had taken his girlfriend's 11 year old sister to some sort of festival and that they were all sitting around a campfire smoking pot. Uh..hello? Is he stupid or what?! And he thought he was taking MY son to this festival also? I always turn him down when he asks to take Cory anywhere. I allow Cory to see him at his g'ma's as long as he will not be left alone with his father. Cory's g'ma pays the child support in order to keep his father out of trouble. So I let Cory visit his g'ma as often as I want and we have a great relationship. We have the same views as far as what is best for Cory. Well, he continues talking about pot not being bad and if the child wants to do pot then it should be ok and yadda-yadda-yadda. I didn't say much.. just took it all in.. and will remember next time he thinks he is going to visit with Cory. I just do not want my son around that kind of life style.

Cory's dad's girlfriend is going to have a baby. She is 5 months pregnant. Well, Cory's dad just out of the blue lifted his girlfriend's shirt up to show me her belly. Well, that'd be ok if he hadn't actually lifted her shirt way above her head and pulled down her pants! In front of my kids! So I got a good shot of her boobs and other "private" areas...something I nor my kids needed to see. What is up with this guy?! He must've fried to many freaking brain cells!

So as you can see.. I've had a wonderful day and cannot wait until this day is over! I think I'm PMS'ing...

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