Stupid neighbors & Vet visits
1:12 p.m. x 2005-08-23

My weekend was rather eventful. Thursday my neighbor's kids got into my mailbox again. Well, they didn't take my mail..that I know of..but they opened the mailbox and left it open. Friday the bills I was mailing didn't stay in my mailbox long enough for the mailman to get them. So Friday evening I called the cops and they came to take a report. I told the cops (good looking ones at that!) that I didn't want to file a report. I just wanted them to have a talk with the kids and explain to them that this is a federal offense and that they could get into big trouble. So the cop goes and talks with the mother and two boys.

Saturday morning at 7:00 am I woke to someone beating on my door. At first I thought it was just in my dream. I walked to the door and peeked out the window. It was Psycho Bitch from next door. Lovely. I yelled for Michael to let him know and he ran downstairs and pushed me aside and flung the door open. The Psycho Bitch stepped in my house and Michael pushed her out the door.

She went on and on about how she was going to kick my ass. So I stepped out around Michael and told her to bring it on. I told her to stop with the empty threats and do what she needed to do. She did nothing but run her mouth. I just sat down on the porch and let her get it out of her system. I waited for her to shut her mouth for a second and told her that if she would actually watch her kids for once then she'd see that they DO get into my mailbox and steal my mail. My freaking BILLS with CHECKS that we end up having to cancel which is leading to a lot of money being thrown down the drain.

Oh..but she said her kids do nothing wrong and they never lie to her. Hah! She told me that I should have came to her instead of calling the cops. I reminded her that I DID go to her. Michael and I both talked to her about this and she laughed and said that her boys bring home another neighbor's disability check each month. What a freaking retard of a mother!

I told her that obviously she doesn't watch her kids because they ride their bikes on a busy road and they hang off the bridge and such. She said that is why they moved to the that her kids could run free.

Well, the Psycho Bitch stood and yelled forever as Michael grabbed her by the arm and led her out to her car. She told me that if I ever call the cops again she will be in jail because she is going to kick my ass. I said, "Just like now? Did you just kick my ass like you said you were going to? No. Empty effing threats." She said, "Oh. But I WILL kick your ass and end up in jail." I said, "Again!" (meaning..she has been to jail several times for distruction of other's property and just got off house arrest) She said, "Yea! Again!" As if all proud of herself for it. Ha! I told her that was really something to be proud of.

So all weekend she had ran her mouth from HER yard and I ignored her. The stupid Psycho Bitch couldn't find her kids Sunday! I knew where they were because Cory and I were in the yard playing frisbee and I saw them walking down the creek in front of my house. But I wasn't about to say a word. None of MY business.

Now I sit here and think about how I just sat there on the porch listening to her run her fat mouth and laughing at her when I wish I had just decked her and been done with it. I'm not one to fight but I hate for someone to give me empty threats.

The family that I met that was suppose to take my puppy, Maddox, decided they didn't want a puppy after all. So I get to keep BOTH of my puppies now! Yay! And we have three cats outside that just happened to show up last week and three more that my sis-in-law is bringing to us this week. Isn't Michael going to be thrilled! HeeHee!

Well, I've done enough rambling. I need to get ready to take the pups to the vet.

*edited to add*

I took my pups to the vet. They are doing great! Vince weighs 57 lbs and Maddox weighs 21 lbs. Yaay! The vet called me a "Good Mommy". HeeHee!

I came home to all the screens out of my windows in the bottom level of my house. I'm getting pretty ticked off at this shit! So I'm cleaning out my garage as soon as I get off the computer and parking my truck inside. Then I'll be sitting back watching out my windows the rest of the day & night, I suppose.

Last night Vince totally went off watching something out the window beside my door. This dog NEVER barks unless he is outside and doesn't want to be or in his crate and wants out. He was pretty ferocious last night barking at the door. I should have looked out to see what he was stressing out over but instead I got all the kids and dogs together and we slept in my room. You just never know what the freaks next door are going to do. If there is a fire or something at least I'll have everyone together. Ugh! I hate having to worry about what the stupid ass psycho bitch will do next. *sigh* I'm more worried for my kids than anything...

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