in a pickle and other rants
11:39 p.m. x 2004-06-16

I may be taking a small hiatus away from my computer for a bit. I have been having connection problems. I can connect with Michael's laptop just fine most of the time but several times today I even received a busy signal while connecting with his laptop. How aggravating considering my work is online! Several times today I have received a message about my TCP/IP settings. My mother and grandmother, who each live down the road, have had no problems connecting today. My computer needs reformatted anyway. And I need to spend some time in my flower garden tomorrow trying to figure out which is the flower and which is the weed. I seriously do not have a green thumb. I can't keep a potted plant alive. How hard is it to water a plant? HeeHee!

Carey's cheerleading meeting went well this evening. They did some cheers but we mainly sat around talking about the rules and how strict they are going to be and talked about the competitions they will be in and fundraisers and such. It sounds like it is going to be a blast! It better be considering I am paying over $200 for her to be in cheerleading!

Carey is sleeping and my boys are in front of the TV watching cartoons. I need to get them off to bed. They decided they needed a bedtime snack 1/2 hour ago and they are taking their sweet little time eating. :) I just cannot send my children to bed hungry. They are good at making me melt. :)

I just remember how it was when I was a child. My mom and dad would not let me have a snack after dinner no matter how much I begged. I was allowed to have a glass of water but then there was no getting up for anything unless it was to potty and still then I was screamed at to go to bed. I'd go to bed hungry and cry into my pillow.

Dinner when I was a child was vary scarce. I was not allowed to eat until my father got home, which he took his own sweet time getting home. My father was allowed to help himself to the food and we (my mother and I) got what was left over. My mother barely ate enough to keep a bird alive and I was barely left any food either. I thought this was always rather rude of my father. But that is the way things went because, "my father was a hard worker." Blah! But I was a growing girl! Man, this totally ticks me off to even think about.

When I fix my children a meal I make sure they get plenty and they get their plate first before Michael and I get our plate. Michael said that is the way he and his brother and sister grew up. They got fed first then the parents ate. So that is what we do around here. I make sure my children get their tummies full.

Oooh... I'm having fun with Jennifer. :)

Well, I really need to finish up what I need to do and save what I need to save on disks so I can take my computer to be reformatted.


then x now

x new
x old
x profile
x book
x notes
x email
x diva
x host