Want some cheese with my whine?
9:31 a.m. x 2005-06-28

Something really stinks in here. Last night after midnight I finally figured out what it is. The refrigerator is leaking water. This I knew and so did Michael but he said it'd just have to leak until after we get the house payment paid and two truck payments plus the truck insurance. Well, it really STINKS! I can't stand the stink much longer. I've mopped and mopped my kitchen floor but there is still water underneath and we have such a mammoth refrigerator that I can't budge it to mop underneath and behind it. Blah! My house smells like rotten eggs! Michael's going to have to figure something out when he comes home this weekend because I can't live in a stinky house.

Since my mini stroke I have had problems swollowing me food. It's not all the time. But sometimes it gets stuck in my throat and I feel like I'm going to choke to death. I wish I had medical insurance.

As soon as the kids go back to school I'm going to find me a job. I can't stand not having money and Michael doesn't think anything about leaving me totally broke for the week. Ergh!

Wow.. this entry is nothing but whining. Heh!

It's is incredibly hot and humid outside already today. I'm so ready to go swimming. I can't seem to find the bottoms of my tankini though. I have two tops but no bottoms. Hmph.. seems like I've already mentioned that. I have no idea where they could have gone to.

We had to have a talk with the lady next door. For three days we have tried to mail our electric and water bills. The little boys next door keep putting our flag down. Well, Friday (or maybe it was Saturday..heck, I can't remember) I noticed the flag was down but my neighbor's flags were up. So I had Carey check the mailbox and our bills were gone. Wah!? As I was pulling off of our road I saw the mailman coming so I turned around and went back to talk to him. I told him our mail was gone and asked if maybe the neighbor kids had put it in one of the other mailboxes. I was afraid to look myself because that's like a federal offense or something to mess with other's mailboxes. Nope.. he didn't find our bills! He told me that he say my neighbor's little boys playing around at the mailboxes several times last week.

I ran in my house and told Michael he was going with me to talk to the neighbor. I was so mad I was shaking and knew if Michael was with me that I wouldn't throw a big hissy fit on the neighbor and knock her out right there on her front porch. :) She asked her boys if they had taken my mail but of course they said no. She laughed and told me that her boys have brought home the guy in the house on the end's check several times. I didn't find it funny and frowned at her. Heh! That's just NOT right! Of course, we don't get any checks in the mail so that we don't have to worry about but dang it! Our bills haven't gone out yet and were missing...with CHECKS inside. She told me she'd have her boys look around the creek for our mail but I told her to forget it because I'd look myself.

We never did find out bills. Michael has called and put a stop payment on the checks. Now we will attempt this again. I think I will drive to town to mail our bills out at the post office instead. I'm also going to check into getting a p.o. box. This is just ridiculous!

Why in the world does my pup have to spill his bowl of dog food everytime he eats. He's so lazy. He lays down with his face in his bowl when he eats. It used to be cute but now it's rather annoying considering he has to spill his bowl and then runs off with it. I need to get a super heavey bowl that he can't lift. I wonder if there is a such thing? :) He also just spilled his huge bowl of water on my carpet. He thinks he has to carry his bowls to where I am and eat beside me.

Well, I guess that is enough of a whinefest for the day. Since I got my cleaning done late last night I am going to sit here and enjoy my peace and quiet while my kiddies are sleeping. Awwwww... :)

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